Terms and conditions

Welcome to IChemE Connect

Thank you for joining IChemE Connect. To build and maintain an active, welcoming and engaging online community for all members, it's important that IChemE Connect is used in the right way. Please read the information below which outlines user requirements and good practice. Please note that members use information provided within this community at their own risk, and it is their own responsibility to check the validity of any guidance provided by other members.

IChemE Connect user agreement

By joining and using IChemE Connect, you agree that you have read, understood and will follow the user agreement.

1. Ensure that you engage with others respectfully

Please be patient and polite with others and ensure that your posts, comments, and direct messages are respectful. Unacceptable engagement with others includes but is not limited to: 

  • that which is sexual, violent, or contains profanities;    
  • that which attacks protected characteristics as defined within the UK Equality Act 2010 – for example: sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc;    
  • that which is considered personal abuse, bullying, and intimidation.

2. Do not share inappropriate content/material

Before posting, commenting or direct messaging, please ensure you have considered how appropriate the content/material is. Unacceptable content/material includes but is not limited to: 

  • that which is defamatory or libellous;    
  • copyrighted material – including images;    
  • links to third-party paid-for content, recruitment advertising, and spam;    
  • that which is inflammatory or extraneous content aimed at provoking an emotional response;    
  • content referring to confidential processes, such as disciplinary matters;   
  • advertising that directly competes with IChemE’s own products and services; 
  • Job advertisements   
  • any other content viewed as prejudicial and counter to the best interests of the chemical engineering profession or society in general.

3. Adhere to the IChemE Code of Conduct

All users are reminded of the Code of Conduct, which provides further information on the professional and personal obligations of members. 

IChemE Connect will be monitored to uphold these standards and we reserve the right to suspend or terminate access to anyone who contravenes this agreement.


In addition to the user agreement, there are good-practice approaches that, if followed, will ensure all users receive the best possible experience from IChemE Connect. 

1. Be kind and courteous 

We're all in this together, engineering a sustainable world. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.

2. Keep it relevant

Please refrain from posting content that has no relevance to chemical engineering. Send messages such as ‘thanks for the information’ to the individual rather not to the entire list  - you can do this by using ‘reply to sender’.

3. Make your posts unique, interesting and easy to engage with

When creating a new discussion thread or post, make sure your subject line is clear and concise to make it easier for other members to respond and to search the archives by subject. Avoid repeating discussions that others have already started.

4. Respect everyone's privacy 

This is a private community. Please do not share any content or discussions outside of IChemE Connect. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private.

5. Don’t engage with, and report, inappropriate content or behaviour  

If you see anything from another user that contravenes the user agreement, does not follow these guidelines or gives you cause for concern for some other reason, please do not engage with the user. Instead, please inform the Online Community Manager who will ensure appropriate action is taken. 

4. Share your feedback with us 

We want to make IChemE Connect the best it can be. Please take the time to share positive and negative feedback with us. We’d also like to hear your thoughts on possible improvements. Let us know so that we can keep improving.

Privacy Policy

For details on how IChemE collects and uses your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy.

If you have any questions about IChemE Connect please contact us.